Vein Disease Self Assessment

Take this self-assessment to see if you might be a candidate for additional screening for potential varicose veins and / or chronic venous insufficiency. If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, contact our office at 732-846-7000 for a consultation with one of our skilled physicians!



  • Have you ever had varicose veins?
Signs and Symptoms
  • Do you experience leg pain, aching or cramping?
  • Do you experience leg or ankle swelling, especially at the end of the day?
  • Do you feel “heaviness” in your legs?
  • Do you experience restless legs?
  • Do you have skin discoloration or texture changes?
  • Do you have open wounds or sores? 
Risk Factors
  • Has anyone in your blood-related family ever had varicose veins or been diagnosed with venous reflux disease or chronic venous insufficiency?
  • Have you had any treatments of procedures for vein problems? or leg injury/trauma?
  • Do you sit or stand for long periods of time, such as at work? 


The goal of treatment for vein disease is to reduce or stop the backward flow of blood. The following may be prescribed to treat your varicose veins. Your doctor can help you decide which treatment is best for you:
  • Compression stockings
  • Removing diseased vein
  • Closing diseased vein (through thermal or nonthermal treatment)
With proper treatment, the progressive symptoms of vein disease are preventable. However without treatment, signs and symptoms may progress and lead to venous leg ulcers. Normally ulcers appear near the ankles or lower leg and are brought on from the increased build-up of fluid and blood pressure from veins affected by CVI.
Jaimie Fusco Co-Director of the Pritikin ICR program and Wellness Coordinator

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